Passion for art
Clodoaldo Martins was born in Agulha, a small town in the Fernando Prestes district, in the state of São Paulo - Brazil. While still young, at the age of nine, Clodoaldo was already very aware of his vocation: painting. He started drawing and, at the age of 13, encouraged by his parents, Clodoaldo took up a course with drawing teacher Luis Dotto in the neighboring town of Catanduva. It was there that the young local talents concentrated. Still in his teens, Clodoaldo also took up painting lessons, first with artist Sérgio Amorim and, later, with Celso Bayo.
In 2003, Clodoaldo met Washington Magueta, who helped him improve his technique. Soon afterwards he received invaluable guidance from Alexandre Fausto, a disciple of Arlindo Casttelani de Carli. As of 2005, this guidance started coming from Luís Cláudio Morgilli, who introduced him to Gilberto Geraldo and Ronaldo Boner. And it was through the study groups conducted by Boner and the workshops delivered by Gilberto Geraldo that Clodoaldo Martins introduced new esthetics to his work.
Currently, Clodoaldo’s inspirations come from the classic and contemporary artists of the Alla Prima school who influence him in the ever-growing refinement of his artistic production.
Clodoaldo Martins holds a degree in Arts from the Faculdade São Luís, in Jaboticabal (São Paulo - Brazil).
2002 - Cultural Space, Santa Adelia (SP)
2003 - Cultural Space, Monte Alto (SP)
2006 - Bank of Brazil Cultural Space, Taquaritinga (SP)
2006 - Bank of Brazil Cultural Space, Itápolis (SP)
2006 - Caixa Econômica Federal Cultural Space, Itápolis (SP)
2006 - Cultural Center, Itápolis (SP)
2007 - Exhibition "Rural Life" in IV Centenario Cultural Space, São Paulo (SP)
2007 - Cultural Space Portinari, in the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo
2007 - Exhibition "Rural Life" in the Cultural Center of the Regional Accounting Council of the State of São Paulo
2008 - Santander-Banespa Cultural Space, Monte Alto (SP)
2000 - "New Talent Exhibition" in Maestro Nicola de Muzzio Cultural Center, Catanduva (SP)
2001 -1st Academic Painting Exhibition in the Pinacoteca "Gaffrée and Guinles", part of the Cultural Complex of Santos Harbor, Santos (SP)
2001 - XIX Plastic Arts Exhibition, Rio Claro (SP)
2001 - III Art Education Association of Limeira Exhibition, Limeira (SP)
2002 - XLIX Ararense Plastic Arts (Academic) Exhibition, Araras (SP)
2002 - 50th Ararense Plastic Arts (Contemporary) Exhibition, Araras (SP)
2002 - Cultural Space, Santa Adelia (SP)
2003 - XX Plastic Arts Exhibition, Jau (SP)
2003 – IX Plastic Arts (Academic) Exhibition, Catanduva (SP)
2004 - 52th Fine Arts Exhibition, Piracicaba (SP)
2005 - XXIII Plastic Arts Exhibition (Academic), Rio Claro (SP)
2005 - 53th Fine Arts Exhibition, Piracicaba (SP)
2006 - XXIV Plastic Arts (Academic) Exhibition, Rio Claro (SP)
2006 - 2nd Show of Arts, Fernando Prestes (SP)
2006 - Publication of works in the catalog "Brazil and its Painters," by Publisher Domani Arts
2007 - Exhibition of Fine Arts, Ubatuba (SP)
2007 - XI Exhibition of Plastic Arts (Academic), Catanduva (SP)
2007 - Exhibition held by the group of artists "Visual Poets", Jaboticabal (SP)
2007 - Cardiofísico Exhibition Space, at Arts Event "Expodeplás", sponsored by São Luis University, Jaboticabal (SP)
2007 - Founding Artist of the Olympic Art Museum of São Paulo, by donating the painting "Track Cyclist"
2008 - Founding Artist of the Museo D'Arte Italia-Brasile, Città di Pomezia, Italy, by donating the painting "The Singing Car II"
2008 - 1st Exhibition Paulista of Arts of São Paulo (SP)
2008 - Exhibition held by the group of artists "Visual Poets", in the Jaboticabal Mall Cultural Space, Jaboticabal (SP)
2008 - Cultural Space, São Bernardo do Campo (SP)
2009 - 57th Exhibition of Fine Arts, Piracicaba (SP)
2010 - Publication of works in the second edition of the Yearbook of Art "ART GALLERY IN BRAZIL" - flowers, still life and landscapes in Brazil
2012 - Publication of works of art in the annual "ART GALLERY IN BRAZIL" - Overview of the current art III
2014 – Participations as a member of the art competitions judging committee.
2019 – Exhibition Poetic Scenes – Nova Acropole – Fortaleza – CE.
2004 - Award in the XXI SOBAM - Official Exhibition of Fine Arts, Matão (SP)
2005 - Bronze Medal in the 55th Ararense Exhibition of Plastic Arts (Academic), Araras (SP)
2006 - 1st Prize in the IV Academic and Modern Painting Exhibition of the Pinacoteca "Gaffrée and Guinles", part of the Cultural Complex of Santos Harbor, in Santos (SP)
2006 - Bronze Medal in the LVII Exhibition of Plastic Arts "Antonio Rodini" (Academic), Araras (SP)
2006 - Acquisition Prize in the 54th Fine Arts Exhibition, Piracicaba (SP)
2006 - Small Gold Medal in the 10th Arts Plastic Exhibition, Catanduva (SP)
2007 - Acquisition Prize in the 59th Ararensef Plastic Arts (Academic) Exhibition, Araras (SP)
2007 - Acquisition Prize in the 55th Fine Arts Exhibition, Piracicaba (SP)
2007 - Acquisition Prize and 2nd Prize in the XXII Plastic Arts Exhibition, Jau (SP)
2007 - 1st Prize in the XVI Brazilian Fine Arts Exhibition, Ribeirão Preto (SP)
2007 - 1st Prize in the Fine Arts Exhibition, São Jose do Rio Preto (SP)
2008 - Antônio Rodini Prize in the LXI Ararense of Plastic Arts Exhibition (Academic), Araras (SP)
2008 - Acquisition Prize in the VAE - Visual Arts Exhibition, Vinhedo (SP)
2009 - Award in the 2nd Plastic Arts Exhibition, São José do Rio Preto (SP)
2010 - 1st Prize in the 3rd Plastic Arts Exhibition, São José do Rio Preto (SP)
2012 - Acquisition Prize in the VAE - Visual Arts Exhibition, Vinhedo (SP)
2012 - Acquisition Prize in the 16th Plastic Arts Exhibition, Catanduva (SP)
2014 – 1st Prize in the exhibition of Arts of the commercial Association of Sao Paulo ( Pinheiros district)
2015 - Acquisition Prize in the 63th Fine Arts Exhibition, Piracicaba (SP)
2015 – Gold Medal in the 63th Fine Arts Exhibition, Piracicaba (SP)
2016 – Silver Medal in the 64th Fine Arts Exhibition, Piracicaba (SP)
2019 - Humanity and Culture Award at the 5th NTD Figurative Painting Competition in New York - USA